Chair: Zoltán Purgel

My name is Zoltan Purgel.
Presently, I am the chair of the Gabriella Schopper Hungarian Lupus Group.
My illness was diagnosed in 2000. I have been the member of our association since 2002, and I have been taking an active part in the life of this group as its chair since 2007.
When my lupus was revealed, there was no Hungarian information about this disease on the Internet. At this time I decided to create a website where all suitable information can be found about lupus. Later on I got to know that in Hungary there was a lupus association led by Gabriella Schopper. I joined this group and I undertook some tasks, e. g. designing their website, the graphic works of their leaflets.
In 2006 I was astonished to hear that Gabriella Schopper, the founder of this group died. I did not know how this association would work on, and I did not want to let „her heritage” loosen. I tried to look for other leaders, but I had no success.
Since there was nobody who would have liked to become the head of the association, we had to congregate a general meeting in 2007 to dissolve its function. In the last moment I offered that if we joined with each other, we could save it. Fortunately, we managed to do it.
We, 12 of us have been maneging the group lately. All of us are working with no payment as a sideline.
Our common aim is to create an associartion with European standard.
My baby born in 2017. I and my wife lives with SLE. My son may be the first child whose two parents live with SLE.
- E-mail:
- Mobile phone: +36303491100
- Postal address: Magyar Lupus Egyesület, 6635 Szegvár, Kórógy u. 69. Hungary
- Private Facebook profile:
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